Monday 2 December 2013

Recommended conventions as a result of the questionnaire

In the results of my questionnaire, I found out a lot of important information about my target audience who would be reading my magazine:
I found out that 45% of my interviewees read the magazine NME, and 0% of my 40 resultees have ever read Uncut. This suggested to me that I make my magazine contain similar conventions and layouts as NME rather that Uncut, as people are obvioulsy impressed by the way NME presents itself by the percentage of people who read it.
When I asked my target audience how often they read magazines, the highest percentage of them replied with 'I never read magazines' (30%.) As I actually need to create a magazine, I looked at the other two highest ticked answers, which were 'Once a month' and 'Once every 2-3 months' (both 22.5%) As a result, I decided to make my magazine a monthly release.
I gave my audience a list of artists who fit into the 60's-70's psychedelic/rock vibe to see how many had heard/listened to them. Out of the all the artists I had given them, atleast 6 people had heard of each artist. The artist who people had heard of/listened to the most was The Rolling Stones, gaining 95% recognition. The artists who have large percentages would be mentioned in my larger articles whilst the artists who had little recognition would be mentioned in small articles such as 'artists you should listen to' etc.
I asked people 'Which features of a magazine do you personally find appealing?' I recieved many different responses, but many people found features such as the colour scheme, the font, the main image/cover artist and the articles involved to be some of the most important features. I have decided to chose my colour scheme carefully in order to appeal to as many people as possible and I will also focus on making my articles and main artist images as exciting as possible, in order to wow my audience.
I then went on to ask my audience which colour scheme they would prefer: fresh mint, crushed plum, mellow yellow or baby blue. The two colours which recieved the most votes were fresh mint and crushed plum, both at 35%. I have decided for my colour scheme to revolve around different shades of mint as a I find the colour mint appealing and I believe no other magazine out there contains that colour scheme, making my magazine stand out from the crowd.
I then went on to ask them how much they would pay for my magazine. I gave them many different price ranges, from £0 to £5.00. The price range which recieved the most votes was £2.51 to £3.00, so I have decided to price my magazine at £2.75.
As a final question, I asked my audience if they prefered it if the magazine focused more on the celebrities or the music, or a bit of both. The answer which recieved the most votes was an even mixture of both (55%) meaning I will make sure my magazine contains an even mixture of articles focusing on the music and the celebrities behind the music.
As the magazine is heavily influence by music from the 60's/70's era, the font I will use for my masthead will be as groovy as I can make it.

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