Tuesday 17 December 2013

Planning and Analysing masthead

In order to start planning my masthead, I used adobe photoshop to create 6 possible mastheads for my magazine. As the magazine focuses around the 60's/70's era and the psychedelic music which was the anthem at the time, I tried to make my fonts as psychedelic as possible.
This is the first masthead I created. It contains a kaleidoscope of different colours, which links in very closely with the whole 'hippie' theme.
This is the second masthead I made. I have made the text mint so it links in with the colour scheme that I am planning to use in the magazine. The drop shadow will also let the text stand out.
This is my third masthead. I have used the same effect that   I used on my first design, but instead I decided to lighten the satin effect, resulting in a pattern which looks like a sky filled with clouds. Some people may also think that the pattern looks like smoke, which links in with the use of incense/cigarettes. I have also used an outline in order to stand out as much as possible against the light colour of the inside of the font.
This is my fourth masthead. This one also contains hints of a psychedelic spectrum of colours, but the main colour is a mint green, meaning that it will also fit in with the colour scheme I am going to use.
This is my fifth masthead. With this masthead, I have tried to make it look as similar to the text used on the Beatles album cover 'Magical Mystery Tour' as possible. This font clearly contains a wide selection of bright and vibrant colours, which will help draw in the attention of passers by. The thick black outline will help the masthead stand out immensely.
This is my sixth and final masthead. The main colour used is a mint colour, meaning this font like many of the others I have created will fit in well with the colour scheme I want to use in my magazine.

I finally decided that none of the fonts above looked professional enough for my liking so I decided to download a 'groovy psychedelic' font from the internet and transform that into a logo/masthead that I would like. 

I believe this final design was the most striking and mostly psychedelic of all of my attempts.

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